File Income Tax



Error Message


Action to be Taken

The Number of Employees for the Month {Month Number} is invalid. If the total wages paid is greater than zero, the Number of Employees must be greater than zero.

Error message displayed when the number of employees entered to the system was 0 but the paid wages are greater than zero.


The Number of Employees for the Month {Month Number} is invalid. If the Total of Wages Paid is equal to zero, the Number of Employees must be equal to zero.

Error message displayed when employees are entered and the paid wages are 0.


The Number of Employees for the Month of {Month Number} is invalid Must enter a number between 0 and 100,000.

Error message displayed when the value entered is outside of the permitted range.

Must enter a value between 0 and 100,00.

Unable to send an e-mail message to one or more of the designated users.

The user effecting the status change or an administrator does not have a registered e-mail account.

Must verify the Clients Management section, the user performing the operation and the employers have a registered e-mail account.