History of Activities Executed Through the Portal


The History of Activities Executed Performed through the Portal feature allows the user to obtain a report of all actions performed by the user through the system.


DTRH User Only


This feature is only available to Department of Labor and Human Resources users.



A series of fields is made available to the user which may or may not be completed, allowing for modification of the report to suit the users needs.

The filters that may be applied are:

      State Employer Account Number

      Employer Name

      User Name

      Transaction Type

      Transaction Number

      From Date

      To Date



Steps to follow:

1.  Enter the credentials required to access the Portal.

2.  Select the Administration tab. A general description of the service will appear.

3.  Select the History of Activities Executed through the Portal option to be directed to the following screen:


Figure 23: History of Activities Executed Through the Portal


4.  Complete the required fields in order to modify the report and select the Generate Report  button. This will generate a report with the following information:



      User who generated the report


The filters used in the search include:

      State Employer Account Number

      Employer Name

      User Name

      Transaction Type

      Transaction Number

      From Date

      To Date


The list is comprised of the following fields:

      State Employer Account Number

      User Name

      Transaction ID.




The following total is displayed:

      Transaction Total


Figure 24: History of Activities Executed Through the Portal Generated


5.  Select the print  button to print the generated report.

      The system provides the option to export the report to the following formats:




Acrobat (PDF)

Web File



To do this you must first select the format followed by the  button as displayed in the following image.


Figure 25: Exporting Report


Note: To obtain another report or modify the fields utilized to generate it, you must once again complete the fields according to your needs and select the Generate Report  button.